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Hey there,
Thank you so much for signing up for my newsletter! You'll be receiving an email shortly with the publicity handbook where I share secrets to landing FREE media for your business.
I'm Rachel, a publicity strategist, copywriter and founder of 'Life On Her Terms'.
My mission is to help world-changing entrepreneurs increase their reach, maximise their impact and share their story - and expertise - with the world.
I'm all about encouraging you to do life and business on YOUR terms and helping you create a buzz around you and your business.
If you are an ambitious, world-changing gal... I'd love to invite you to join my private facebook group - where I provide FREE training on PR, business, media strategy and some spiritual stuff too.
You can also find me on instagram @lifeonherterms - we'd love to connect!
There's more....
You can access loads of training videos on my Youtube channel, so feel free to check out my page - it's me, unfiltered, giving you life, success & business tips!
If you have any questions at all please email: and we'll get back to you within 24 hours.
Much love,