Virtual Warbrobe Edit
with Leslie Danielle

Self-care starts with self-organisation.
Does your wardrobe need an overhaul? Are random pieces of clothes stuffed in drawers and you just keep wearing the same things each day because it's too hard to look for other stuff?
Are you ready for a fresh start in your closet?
Your space, no matter the size, is meant to feel sacred. I believe your home should feel sacred, and your closet should feel like a haven that holds pieces that amplify the gorgeous, confident and Queen-ly side of you.
But if you keep 'adding' to a space that is already overloaded, it will only add more stress. Even the most beautiful items will be lost if there isn't a space created for them.
If you find yourself feeling stressed when looking for 'something to wear' or ignoring certain drawers because it's full of jeans that don't even fit - it’s time to take action.
Hi there, I’m Leslie, an organisation consultant and event stylist.
My passion is people and organisation - making spaces and events beautiful are my zone of genius.
It’s just what I do.
From living in 4 different countries, I have had to pack up my life, get rid of things, and start over many times. I have learned through experience that any space can be beautiful and sacred - with the right touch.
I have learned that ‘things’ can be both practical and sentimental - with the right perspective. I have learned that any event and area can feel like home - with the right vision.
It’s my passion and my privilege to help you seriously de-clutter and enjoy the journey.
Meet yourFairy Godmother

The 1 Hour Virtual Wardrobe Edit

"One minute spent organising is an hour saved" - Anonymous
One closet. One Hour. One space transformed.
Don't leave that wardrobe overflowing with items you don't love any longer.
It can be a challenge going through it alone.
I offer my organisation services with no judgement and patience to help you commit to a positive change in just one short hour.
To feel lighter and remove obstacles (literally 🙂) so you can live your life with more liberty. If you want to clear your clutter and get more organised, get in touch.
Anything 'MEH' has to go.
Anything 'OKAY' has to leave.
All those pants that don't fit: Bye Bye!
Don't buy one MORE thing until you have edited your wardrobe.
Say goodbye to the last chapter of style and clothes.
Create space for the new.
Re-discover some fabulous pieces.
Create a Queen outfit.
Feel the freedom of letting go and making room for the new.
How it Works
The cost of the 1 Hour Wardrobe Edit is $250 AUD (excluding GST).
After payment, I will send you my calendly link. You can choose a time that works for you and your schedule.
A questionnaire will be sent to you prior to our session
Prior to our time together, I will ask you to choose what 'area' you are focussing on for your wardrobe. What area is stressing you out the most? We start there. Depending on how quickly you make decisions on items will determine how much we 'get through' in this one hour session. I have seen entire wardrobes be transformed in a one hour time frame!
Take a picture of the areas you want to 'work on' in the session together and email them to:
The session will take place on zoom. I would reccomend you either: use your laptop or have your mobile phone on a stand so I be in full view of your space and warbrobe.
What you need: Bin Bags, a cup of joy to make it fun and a willingness to say Goodbye to pieces that no longer serve you - and to say Hello to re-discovered gems and make space for the NEW pieces soon to come!​
If you have any questions please email and we will respond to you within 48 hours.