Welcome to
A 12-month private mastermind unlike anything you have ever seen before.
Ignite your faith. Share your God-given genius. Join a fearless sisterhood.
We are no longer accepting applications to the Mastermind.
Please refer to our 'Publicise Yourself' course for our latest program.
Join a small mastermind of unstoppable women driven by faith to go to their next level and stand out as Esther's of their generation, and to become the expert's in their industry.
Be featured in dream media, connect with dream clients and serve and thrive at your highest level.
Are you ready for 2022 to be THE year that you fully own your God-genius and be seen as the expert and thought-leader that were created to be?
Are you ready to fully step into expert-hood and have media, clients and influencers come to you easily?
Are you ready to step up so you can STAND OUT?
You have a business. You have worked with some coaches, maybe even some group programs. You are ready to go to the next level, but you want a place that will serve and honour ALL Of you.
The faith-driven part of you. The authentic part of you. The feminine part of you. The hustler part of you. The business-savvy part of you. The woman who wants to serve and thrive in every part of your life.
You aren’t interested in just another coaching program – you want a sisterhood that will hold you through life and business. You want a coach who can call the greatness that God instilled inside of you to come out. You are ready to take action and play full out.
You are ready to honour the gifts that God has given you.
But you don’t know how to pitch to media. You aren’t that confident getting visible. You aren’t 100% clear on your message. You don’t know how to position yourself in a saturated market. You struggle to write copy that appeals to your clients. You keep changing your elevator pitch. You feel like you have something so incredible to share, but you don’t know how to reach the right people. You feel some blocks around charging people full amount because you are a faith gal. You don’t feel confident on how to OWN your genius and be seen as the expert you are. You don’t know how to share your unique story.
I get it.
Seriously. I worked in PR for 15 years. I have the skills and experience behind me – but when I started my own business – the idea of putting myself out there was incredibly intimidating.
I hustled my heart out, but I only become visible to my private facebook group.
The idea of putting my face, my name and my story out into the real world, to my friends, to the media was daunting (and I built a career doing it before hand, I KNEW how to do this!).
When I finally realised the people I admired most had embraced and leveraged media in their business – I knew I had to make a change. When I finally realised that if I wanted to scale my business, and elevate my expert-hood – I needed to get visible, in every part of my business.
And I did.
I started pitching myself. With the same tactics and strategies I used to land stories and interviews when working in big TV companies and organisations.
I started to back myself. Because I knew no one else would until I showed up.
I started writing for the Huffington Post before I even had clients to speak of. I write for Goalcast. I pitched and landed my own radio inspirational coaching show (called 'Coffee and Faith') while I was nursing a newborn. I landed a book deal.
I held media training intensives to CEO’s, I worked with 7 figure business owners to create their brand strategies. I started getting invitations to be interviewed: on podcasts, on radio, in magazines – and more importantly – I started attracting my dream clients effortlessly. For free.
I have been sharing these timeless publicity and visibility secrets with clients privately.
But now, I feel called to serve in a greater way.
To serve an intimate group of women who are faith-driven and READY FOR IMPACT.
So I created the
'Game Changers'Mastermind.
A 12-month private and group coaching mastermind to give you: accountability, personalised strategy, spiritual insight and a real sisterhood to help you get visible, land media coverage and go to the next level in your business. With authenticity, faith and feminine confidence.
What The Mastermind is about...
A sisterhood of support, accountability and a challenge to get visible, to have real impact, to ignite your faith and share your God-given genius with the world.
Faith. Visibility. Sisterhood. Impact.
Learn how to become a media attractor (in 10 minutes a day)
Clarity on your Message and Positioning in the marketplace
Ignite your faith easily and daily
Learn how to get visible and land clients
Share your God-given genius
Take action.
Get paid to be you
Overhaul your money story
Connect with a sisterhood
Create real impact
Become the go-to expert in your industry
Share your message and change the world
Have the support of 1-1 and a group for 12 months
Why work with me?
To be frank, I know my stuff.
Before I started my own business, I worked in the media industry for 12 years as a news publicist and PR manager, including working at the ABC in Sydney and BBC in London.
I write for the Huffington Post and Goalcast.
I host a radio coaching series each week on Rhema FM and have a live guest spot on local radio which reaches 50,000 people per day.
I have worked with TV presenters, executive producers, movie stars and prime ministerial offices on breaking stories, writing media releases, bios, and dealing with editors of international media outlets. My career has spanned television, health policy and election campaigns, both in Australia and the United Kingdom.
I am an expert at writing stories and headlines that will get attention - and more importantly, how to quickly nail down your biggest unique selling point.
I worked as a TV publicist for 7 years - both in Sydney and London and have placed interviews on morning shows, news programs and radio outlets. I worked for the ABC, SBS Television and BBC News in London before moving into corporate PR.​
I understand the power of a strong narrative, the timeliness of a good story and the impact a headline can make.
As a business owner, it's not just about your service.
You are the package. And your story is what people purchase.
Now more then ever, you have to be totally clear in confident in your message.
And you need to have fearless confidence, authentic connection and a compelling story and strategy to cut through in the marketplace.
You can read some of my client's success stories here.
This mastermind will give you that and SO MUCH MORE.
You'll have a publicist, copywriter, marketing expert and faith-driven entrepreneur supporting you and your business for 12 months. It's like having your own agency, coach, spiritual mentor and cheerleader in your pocket.
You'll have your own sisterhood in the group. You'll have access to MY personal 'Life On Her Terms' sisterhood, who have privately encouraged and mentored me personally over the years. These are my Ace cards. These are my people. And you will have personal acccess to them too.
Why is this mastermind different?
Faith. Success. Sisterhood. Visibility. Impact.
You are going to learn how to market your business, authentically.
This mastermind will focus on: getting you in the faith zone (where you KNOW everything is possible for you), pitching yourself, and IMPLEMENTATION (take simple action that will grow your business). You will have a beautiful mix of group coaching (where you learn from each other, support each other and refine eachother) and personalised mentorship over the entire 12 months.​
Unlike any other mastermind: the focus is simple: landing media coverage for your business in less then 10 minutes a day. Learn how to work and pitch the media like a pro. Step into the most fearless and confident version of yourself. Become the thought leader, have impact, all the while having a sisterhood of faith, ambition and driven female entrepreneurs who are supporting each other, challenging eachother, calling out the awesome pieces inside of each other – sharpening each other’s skills, and seriously going there – sharing the win’s, the opportunities and knowing that you built your business to have IMPACT and you are ready to get VISIBLE and share the message that only YOU can share with the world.
In addition to teaching publicity, visibility and marketing - we focus on the spiritual side too. Because business is a spiritual game. And God has a faith journey for each of us as we grow in business. We share principles on money, time management, strategies, dealing with clients - you are going to be supported in every part of your business. And not matter what level you are at, we are here to support and encourage you to step into the next level: with grace and fearless confidence - like the Queen you are.
What is included
A personal 1-1 One Hour private coaching session with Rachel and a personalised strategy created just for your business and your publicity profile within the first month of joining the program.
Access to LOHT membership site suite of online courses, which are completely self-paced. Go at your own speed to: pitch yourself to media in 10 minutes a day and support for building your online service-based business.
Access to the Brand-New Exclusive: Publicise Yourself Course: A self-paced online course, with bite-sized trainings and worksheets: everything you need to personally pitch yourself in 10 minutes a day, a live media database, swipe files, emails to copy and paste and send to journalists. Including: video trainings, email templates, check lists, swipe files, and ready-to-go media lists. This course will help you personally pitch yourself to any media outlet, to any journalist with ease and confidence. These are the same strategies I used when I was working as a TV publicist, working in newsrooms and leading PR campaigns across the globe.
Game Changers Business Building Course: A self-paced business building course with bite sized trainings and worksheets: Build a profitable online business on your terms, a step-by-step that will help you master your message, create an offer and market yourself authentically online. Including: video trainings, worksheets, email templates and swipe files that will help you build your online business with ease.
Live weekly coaching calls every week so you can get the continual encouragement and specific coaching for your business and media opportunities
Regular expert interviews to help you grow your business and market yourself
Monthly Prayer Room Sessions (we pray for specific parts of your business )
Regular personal voice recordings to encourage you to keep going (from the LOHT team)​​​
Sisterhood Community: Private facebook group for Mastermind members only​: an elite group of business women who encourage, inspire and challenge each other and keep each other in the faith zone. ​​
Regular wine and coffee meet-up sessions – informal live zoom calls to keep us connected
Exclusive access to in-house copywriting and styling services (at a special discounted rate)
Free access to any other programs on the LOHT membership site for 12 months.
Transparency Moment
You will receive personalised feedback on your pitches, on your business and visibility strategy and the most 1-1 access to me as a coach that has ever been on offer. I guarantee you will feel supported, seen and connected this year.
But I don't guarantee perfection.
If you expect perfection from yourself as a business owner or me as a coach, then this program isn't for you. I'm about getting things done quickly, taking any failure as feedback and not over-thinking the process as you scale your business and increase your online visibility and pitch yourself to the media so you can become a thought-leader in your field. I'm also only willing to work with women who desire to be part of a sisterhood, who are supportive, open to giving and receiving feedback and looking to empower and encourage other women as they build and scale their dream business.
Success comes to action-takers, not over-thinkers or perfection seekers.
Are you in?
If you are ready to: publish that book, launch that podcast, pitch yourself for that column, reach out to that influencer – to Connect, to Share and to SERVE at your highest possible potential – this is for you.
Fill out this application form and apply for a call. As we only have room for a small number of women, we want to ensure every woman in this group is a right fit for the program and that it will help you exactly where you are in business.
The investment for this mastermind is $15,000 AUD pay-in-full.
My promise to you
I will be in your corner. I am fighting for you and with you. I will encourage you, challenge you – push you to some discomfort (but lovingly). Think of me as the Micky to your Rocky. This business road is not easy and you were never meant to travel it alone. Rocky needed Micky in his corner, and he needed Apollo to make him even better. You are going to have the best of both worlds – a coach who gets you, see’s your potential and can give you honesty, strategy and encouragement to keep going. You’ll have a group of fierce, loving and ambitious women who are going to level-up and make you want to up your game in every part of your life and business. These are your people. The women you’ll share your pearls with, the hard stuff, the amazing stuff. The women who know the real you behind the business. This is a sacred space. It’s like a doju elite for faith-driven female entrepreneur women (forgive the references to fighting, I have been watching a lot of Cobra Kai as of late). If you are READY to become the thought leader you were created for. GAME CHANGERS will help you get there.
The 30 day Guarantee
If you start the program and fully show up for the first 30 days from your start date (meaning you complete the modules on time and implement everything I share with you) AND you don't get results - I will refund you 100% of your money. No questions asked. That's how much faith I have in my system. If you show up, if you do the work - you'll get results.
What I Expect
You to play full out. To get uncomfortable and do it anyway. To have a no-excuses policy. To show up for your business the same way you show up for everyone else in your life. Because this business is your ministry. It's your legacy. It's your time to step up so you can step into EVERYTHING our Creator has waiting for you.​
It's your time
This mastermind offers high touch, personalised mentorship and a spiritual sisterhood. God honours a decisive woman. A woman who knows this is HER TIME to step fully into God's purpose for her in business. Real success can only exist if you are co-creating with the Creator.
Let me help you create the business and impact that God has called you to.
No more playing small. Draw the line in the sand TODAY. Apply for our next enrolment here.
Looking forward to co-creating your success Game Changer.
If you have any questons, please email: support@lifeonherterms.com
