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The Elite Business Leader 


12 month VIP  1-1 Consulting  
for Elite Business Owners

1-1 Consulting and Coaching for business owners who are ready to step out and be seen as thought leaders in their industry - and grow their business while doing it. 

It's time to take your business to the next level (and I'm not talking about FB advertising). 

I work 1-1 with business owners to identify their biggest challenges in business, how to grow, how to scale and how to stand out in your industry.  


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Signature Story Creation

Who are you? What makes you stand out from other people in your industry? What's your story? Your elevator pitch? Your unique selling proposition? We create the story framework for you so you can talk about your business to anyone - at any time, anywhere. This is where we get your 'genuis zone' out and craft your selling narrative for clients, media and influencers. 



We can write about anything, for anything.  We take the story that is yours, craft it - authentically - then package it up in a way that will attract your dream clients and dream media. Types of copywriting we offer include: web content, marketing content, advertorials, media releases, sales pages, about me pages (the most read page on your website), biographies, social media content, blog and article writing - just to name a few. 



PR & Media Strategy

Become your own publicist. Together we craft a strategy in line with your business goals that will attract the right attention to your story and message. You learn how to pitch to the media (in less then 10 minutes a day) and how to leverage every opportunity that comes your way. 


Media Coaching

You have the interview, now what? We can train you on how to deal with pesky interview questions, how to answer (and not answer) - how to get your message out in a 5 minute interview spot, and how to make headlines (for the right reasons). The media interview isn't a normal conversation. You need to sell your message, remain in control and come across relatable and professional. All within a 5 minute spot! Our simple and bespoke trauning will leave you feeling confident to handle any question that comes your way, and how to communication your message with ease and authenticity. 



Crisis Communications 

There is such a thing as bad press. With the quick speed of social media and live feeds, a brand or company can find themselves in defense mode very quickly - creating long-term damage to a reputation and the bottom line. With my years of experience working in TV and healthcare communications - I can help manage the internal and external communications  in a seamless and authoritive way. When the reptuation of your company and brand is at risk - we can help protect it, minimise  any potential damage and help your company come through it stronger and with a vision to move forward with: both internally and externally. 




Online Marketing

Learn how to market your business, company and profile online - with authenticity (and without any ad spend). Through social media platforms,  live launches, SEO, media writing, content marketing, create a linkedin profile, a brand guide - everything you need to know to get yourself online and attract your dream clients and showcase your message. We tailor a package that is simple and specific to your needs and your strengths as a business owner. 



Our 1-1 Consulting package starts at $30,000 AUD for a 12 month program. We  tailor a package specific to your business, and the type of support you need. The goal of this 1-1 program is to give you a clear strategy so you can work on the business (not in it), so you can grow your business (without ad spend) and you can step out as a thought leader and go to the next level in your business. 


Want to know more? Email: and let's have a discussion about your goals and how I can help you get there. 



Why work with me?



To be frank, I know my stuff.


Before I started my own business, I worked  in the media industry for 12 years as a news publicist and PR manager, including working at the ABC in Sydney and BBC in London.

I write for the Huffington Post and Goalcast. 


I have worked with TV presenters, executive producers, movie stars and prime ministerial offices on breaking stories, writing media releases, bios, and dealing with editors of international media outlets. My career has spanned television, health policy and election campaigns, both in Australia and the United Kingdom. 


I am an expert at writing stories and headlines that will get attention - and more importantly, how to quickly nail down your biggest unique selling point.


I worked as a TV publicist for 7 years - both in Sydney and London and have placed interviews on morning shows, news programs and radio outlets. I worked for the ABC, SBS Television and BBC News in London before moving into corporate PR.​


I understand the power of a strong narrative, the timeliness of a good story and the impact a headline can make. 


As a business owner, it's not just about your service.


You are the package. And your story is what people purchase. 


Now more then ever, you have to be totally clear in confident in your message.


And you need to have fearless confidence, authentic connection and a compelling story and strategy to cut through in the marketplace. 


You can hear some experiences from some of our clients here. 


It's time to finally start that business and have the impact that know you were created for. 


This is the start of your something BIG.


And we are so thrilled and honoured to be a part of it.


We aren’t just going to sit and talk about fonts and social media strategies with you. We want to get to know the you behind the business, the vision and goals you have behind it – and we want to help you get there.


Your brand is the story that has yet to be told.


We are the story-tellers. Let us help you tell your story.


Your business is unique, so your strategy needs to be too. 


It's time to grow your business in a way that is aligned to your vision, your personality and your goals. Let's get a plan that works for you, is crystal clear and have 1-1 support along the way. 




Get in touch

Let's talk about your business, your vision and how we can help you make it happen - like NOW.  Email and we'll respond within 48 hours. 




Our philosophy

"You will never influence the world by being just like it"




My Biography


Rachel Reva is a PR consultant, copywriter, coach  and founder of ‘Life On Her Terms Media’. She worked in the media industry for ten years as a news publicist and PR manager. Her career has spanned television, health policy and election campaigns, both in Australia and the United Kingdom. She is also a contributor for several global outlets including: Huffington Post and Goalcast. When she isn’t writing, coaching or stalking Oprah she is planning her next European holiday. She lives in Australia with her husband and son.  You can hear Rachel's coaching inspiration series 'Coffee and Faith'  every Tuesday on Rhema FM radio. 


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